What Is Chronic Diarrhea? What Causes Chronic Diarrhea?

A digestive disorder called diarrhea results in loose or watery stools. These bouts frequently last for a short time and end without any complexity. However, some patients who experience diarrhea that last longer than two to four weeks are known as chronic diarrhea. Diarrhea that is acute or transient is typically not dangerous. But if left untreated, persistent loose, watery stools might cause issues.
You could be wondering, is frequent diarrhea a sign of cancer? Could it possibly be anything deadly? The majority of people can treat their diarrhea at home or with medicine. However, persistent or frequent diarrhea may be an indication of;
- Colorectal cancer
- Lymphoma
- Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid gland
- Neuroendocrine tumors
- Pancreatic cancer
Therefore, it’s vital to identify the underlying cause of this kind of diarrhea and treat it properly. There are several chronic diarrhea symptoms and signs to note down;
- Week-long episodes of loose or watery feces are the primary symptoms of chronic diarrhea. There may or may not be haste associated with these stools.
- You may also experience additional signs like abdominal cramps, bloating and nausea.
Chronic Diarrhea Causes
Chronic diarrhea is one of the most commonly reported illnesses in the United States, second only to respiratory infections. Anyone, from young children to elderly people, can get chronic diarrhea, and the causes can be very diverse. In general, mild diarrhea is not dangerous, but severe or protracted diarrhea can result in problems, including dehydration, which occurs when the body loses too much water. So, what are the chronic diarrhea causes?
Caffeine-Containing Drinks
Tea or coffee used more than two or three cups per day frequently results in diarrhea. To prevent headaches, cut back gradually over a few days, then consider quitting for a time. Drinks that have been decaffeinated may still include additives that cause stool softening. Most people can easily handle smaller doses. A few sugars can make you sick. For instance, sorbitol, a manufactured sugar, is used as a sweetener. It is frequently used as a sugar alternative in coffee or tea as well as in diet gums and sweets. Although it has no calories, it is a proven laxative if consumed in sufficient quantities. Another sweet chemical that is frequently present with sorbitol is mannitol.
Fructose is a healthy sugar that comes from a fruit that contains calories. It’s one of the reasons eating a lot of fruit might make you sick. Insufficient levels can cause diarrhea and are also present in candy, soft drinks, honey, and preservatives. Many people discover that during the summer when fresh fruits and vegetables are widely available, their bowel movements are looser and more frequent. Reduced intake should be beneficial.
Lactose Intolerance
Lactose intolerance is what some people have persistent diarrhea from. Cow’s milk has a sugar called lactose in it. The small intestine’s wall must have enough of the enzyme lactase for it to be properly digested. The first step in treating lactose intolerance is to cut out all lactose-containing foods from the diet. As tolerated, moderate amounts of dairy or modified dairy products may be added back into the diet.
Laxatives are commonly found in natural medications. Senna tea is a clear illustration. Senna and other laxative-acting herbs are present in numerous other well-liked medicines. A herbal remedy’s fundamental components might not be listed on the container. One cannot be certain that the medication is not the root of persistent diarrhea without first quitting it for a trial time.
Fatal Allergies
Chronic diarrhea has few known causes other than genuine food sensitivities. One must be careful not to wind up with a nutritionally inadequate diet if an elimination diet is started. Your doctor’s supervision is crucial in this case.
On rare occasions, an intestinal parasite infection may be the cause of persistent unexplained diarrhea. In some regions of the world, these are more prevalent. This can sometimes be identified by stool testing or, more precisely, by an upper small intestine biopsy.
Surgical procedures
It is crucial to know if there have ever been any intestinal procedures if one has persistent diarrhea. In some cases, diarrhea might cause complications. Give your doctor specific details about any prior stomach surgery, as this kind of diarrhea is frequently curable.
Your doctor could advise an antibiotic if a parasite or bacterial infection is the cause of persistent diarrhea. Because they lengthen the time it takes for feces to move through the digestive tract, prescription drugs with codeine may also offer relief by causing thicker stools. Your doctor might not advise codeine as a long-term therapy, nevertheless, due to the possibility of addiction to these drugs.
Imodium (Pepto-Bismol) and bismuth (Pepto-Bismol) are over-the-counter drugs that impede the transit of stools, but they should only be used temporarily. Before using these drugs to treat persistent diarrhea, consult your physician.
Chronic diarrhea diagnosis
Most of the time, mild and light diarrhea can be treated at home. But you must seek medical attention for treatment if an infection or parasite is the cause of your diarrhea. In general, if you also have a fever or blood in your stool, you shouldn’t take over-the-counter drugs for diarrhea. Contact your healthcare provider in those situations to find the right chronic diarrhea cure. Your doctor will treat you for the underlying cause if your diarrhea lasts for a long time. This could entail a variety of therapeutic approaches and certain medications. Although changing your diet and some home remedies can be the best chronic diarrhea cure.
Keep yourself hydrated all day long. When you are suffering from diarrhea, your body loses water. You can prevent dehydration in your body by consuming a lot of extra water. It would be best if you made dietary changes. Choose the BRAT diet instead of fried, oily, or greasy foods. Take a peaceful rest, and if the situation worsens, talk to your physician. Your doctor is the only one who can suggest to you the better possibility to take to control chronic diarrhea.