How These Robots Are Bringing Automated Convenience Stores to Your Community 24 Hours a Day

In the United States, there are approximately 150,000 convenience stores that generate over $258 billion in annual sales. Now suppose there was a method to increase the profitability of these stores even further. Can you imagine or visualize? With a new business called VenHub, one founder is providing an answer to that query. A pioneer in logistics and technology, Shahan Ohanessian launched VenHub to automate stores with cutting-edge robotics. The automated convenience stores provided by VenHub open up a new world of opportunity for the sector. VenHub operates in a straightforward manner. A consumer places an order via an app or touch screen, robotic arms inside the store pick up the items, bag them, and the customer collects them via a protected window. The stores can operate round-the-clock, using solar power, and can fit almost any place.
Retail businesses can pay VenHub to use its systems to automate their stores in addition to selling their locations directly to entrepreneurs. Though it’s a great idea, making it a reality is the difficult part. And Ohanessian and his group are especially well-suited to accomplish it. Ohanessian formerly held the position of CEO of a lucrative logistics and technology firm that sent more than 100 million packages for clients including UPS, GrubHub, Uber Eats, and Amazon. The business earned $300+ million in revenue under his direction.
In The $258 Billion Convenience Store Market, Venhub Is Addressing The Most Pressing Issues
Although convenience stores are significant industries, they are also prime for technological advancement. While customers demand speedier, cheaper solutions, business owners must contend with expensive real estate expenses, workforce issues, and thievery.
The Technology Of Venhub Strives To Cover All Bases
Customers are no longer required to scour aisles for the items they want just to discover that they are sold out. They can place an advance order and pick up their goods in less than two minutes. Customers enjoy a completely touchless experience and avoid lineups and crowds, which is even better. Although happier consumers who seek out their businesses are undoubtedly appealing to business owners, VenHub provides further advantages for store owners. $100 billion is lost annually to burglary and theft in the retail industry. Fully automated stores lack the ability to budget for loss because the danger of theft is eliminated.
VenHub’s automated convenience stores can also reduce costs everywhere. Store operators may combat the rising cost of real estate by having a compact footprint and the ability to fit almost any place. Even better, store managers no longer need to be concerned about staffing issues like employee shortages or hiring dependable night shift workers thanks to 24/7 automation.
How Do Venhub Automated Convenience Stores Compare To A Conventional Brick-And-Mortar Store?
- Builds For 76% Less Money
- 5 Times More Inventory Can Fit
- Occupying A Tenth Of The Space
Venhub Can Automate Everything, Including Live Event Vendors And Pharmacies.
The adaptability and mobility of VenHub open up more chances for growth. Businesses and entrepreneurs can instantly change the location of a VenHub store based on demand by placing it in a parking lot close to EV charging stations. Even though VenHub’s initial focus is on convenience stores, the chance for growth into additional verticals presents itself to investors as a greater one.
The cost reductions and flexibility that VenHub’s automated convenience stores offer are essentially beneficial to any physical and mortar-retail operation. Pharmacies, hardware stores, pet supply stores, and even mall retailers, are included in this category. Additionally, because of its portability, VenHub can be used for live events like weddings and concerts. Additionally, the technology can be applied to different industries, such as storage lockers.